
10 things that every foreign student in Canada should be aware of

It’s exciting and daunting to move to Canada as an international student. Because of the distinctive culture here, we have written about some of the things that we initially had to adjust to.

1. Food

Poutine and maple syrup are well-known and frequently linked with Canada, despite the fact that there are not many traditional Canadian foods. As a show of national pride, Canadians drizzle maple syrup on their waffles, pancakes, and other dishes. French fries covered in gravy and cheese curds are known as poutine.

Still, there is a vast range of food from other places, demonstrating how well-integrated individuals from many nations are. For instance, Toronto boasts numerous authentic food-serving neighborhoods, including Greek Town, Chinatown, Little Italy, and Korea Town.

2. Advice about living

People in Canada are zealous defenders of other people’s rights. Do not think that in order to fit in, you must compromise your identity or your principles. People are evaluated more on the basis of their behavior and character than on their ethnicity, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation.

The fact that hate crimes are so uncommon makes Canada one of the safest countries in which to live and study. Respecting others’ boundaries and personal space is another duty you have. Avoid requesting details that can be deemed excessively personal, such as age and marital status. also arrive on time. Don’t be late because some Canadians have a habit of showing up 15 minutes early.

3. People

Canadians are renowned for their friendliness, so remember to extend a “please” and “thank you” to everyone you encounter, including the cashier at the store, the bus driver, and your fellow students.

There is an unspoken norm that you hold the door open for people. Just be mindful of how far you are from the person you are holding the door open for. If someone is far away and feels they must jog to the door, you don’t want to awkwardly hold the door open for them.

4. Residence

Living away from campus is a fantastic way to gain independence and learn about the rich diversity of local communities. It’s critical that you are aware of your obligations and rights as a tenant. Some people take advantage of international students because they believe they have boundless resources.

Hire an agency or, if you’re in town, explore the neighborhood on your own if you’re looking to rent a place for the academic year. Avoid paying in cash, get a formal lease, and make sure you know what facilities are included in the rental.

5. Visas

You must apply for a study permit in order to enroll in school in Canada, and the earlier you do it, the better. You’ll receive a temporary residency permit when you get here. It permits students to work for a set amount of hours each week in Canada. You are qualified to apply for a three-year work permit once you finish.

6. Sports

Lacrosse is the national sport of Canada, despite the popularity of ice hockey throughout the world. The fact that basketball was created in Canada shocked us as well.

Since most outdoor sports have inside facilities, inclement weather cannot be used as an excuse to skip a game. Skiing, ice skating, and tobogganing are all options if you’re feeling brave; just be sure to dress warmly.

7. Further studies

Considering your post-graduate plans before moving to Canada might be a good idea. In Canada, you must finish your undergraduate degree at least three years before applying to graduate programs in law, medical, dentistry, and law, unlike in several other nations where admittance is immediate.

Professional programs have competitive admissions. There are restrictions on how many foreign students some universities can accept. But do not let this discourage you; there are still other ways to achieve your professional objectives.

8. The degree system

Learn about the higher education system in Canada and, in particular, the system at your university. Understanding your degree requirements, the combination of specialist, major, and minor programs you must complete, and how to do so are all beneficial. To avoid becoming overwhelmed by the length of the online course catalogs, get in touch with the registrar or an academic counselor.

Be on the lookout for appealing scholarships that universities frequently provide to both incoming and current students. Being aware of deadlines and due dates is the first step to success, much like with the visa application.

9. Weather alert

Be ready; the winters can be very chilly. Make sure to purchase winter boots, a warm coat, gloves, and thermals before the stormy weather arrives. The secret to flourishing and surviving in a Canadian winter is to dress warmly so you can still venture outside and enjoy the city, making use of the park system’s free ice rinks and hiking trails. The snow does, however, provide a stunning landscape in spite of the weather.

10. Healthcare

Both citizens and permanent residents of Canada have access to a government-funded healthcare system.

However, healthcare can be highly expensive for overseas students without insurance. Fortunately, the majority of universities include thorough health insurance plans with your tuition. You’ll be able to use these plans in emergency situations and save a lot of money if you understand what they cover. Some colleges may have a list of doctors who will take your university health card. Make sure you are familiar with the system, whatever it may be, as it can literally save your life.

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